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Richard Llewellyn

MSc student I’ve always had a passion for the ocean but when I started diving was when I decided that marine biology was what I wanted to do. I have a wide range of interests within the field as I worked with cephalopods and limpets in my honours year and am now working with fish.

Interests: I’ve always had a passion for the ocean but when I started diving was when I decided that marine biology was what I wanted to do. I have a wide range of interests within the field as I worked with cephalopods and limpets in my honours year and am now working with fish.

Degree: MSc

Supervisors: Albrecht Götz (SAEON Elwandle) and Anthony Bernard Rhodes University)

First registered for degree: January 2014

Registered at: Department of Ichthyology and Fisheries Science, Rhodes University

Expected completion: December 2015

Thesis/project title: The effectiveness of the De Hoop Marine Protected Area (MPA) as a tool for the conservation and management of reef fish.

Short abstract: The project aims to assess the effectiveness of the De Hoop MPA. This will be accomplished through establishing a base-line of fish assemblages using stereo-BRUVs; investigating patterns of exploitation outside of the MPA by analysing catch data acquired from the Nation Marine Line-fish System (NMLS); and finally by comparing size structure and fish assemblages between selected sites inside and outside the MPA.

Status: Fieldwork and data analysis

Umbrella programme: Competitive Programme for Rated Researchers (NRF)

Running cost funds: SAEON Elwandle and Competitive Programme for Rated Researchers (NRF)

Bursary: Competitive Programme for Rated Researchers (NRF)


Richard Llewellyn
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