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The kick-start workshop was held on 23 and 24 July 2015 at the Old Mutual Centre, Kirstenbosch, Cape Town.

Participation in the kick-start workshop was open to all parties (private sector / public sector / academic) who have an interest in offshore marine research and industry in South Africa, including those currently involved in offshore oil and gas exploration and ocean-related climate change, biodiversity, natural resource management, renewable energy or related activities.

The kick-start workshop was a multi-stakeholder (research through to industry) workshop with the following objectives; that all participants:

  • share a common understanding of the Offshore Oil and Gas Environmental Research Collaboration Project and its objectives, limitations and opportunities,
  • have a common general understanding of offshore research and exploration activities taking place in South Africa’s EEZ,
  • share a common understanding of government’s broader Marine and Antarctic research programme and vision, and how Phakisa Project B3 fits into this vision,
  • contribute to the design and establishment of the proposed South African Marine Research and Exploration Forum (SAMREF),
  • have  a chance to actively contribute to the stakeholder database and the general project approach, and
  • clearly articulated their interest, desires, needs, concerns, commitment, role and/or responsibilities within the project context.

The meeting was attended by 86 participants from government, the private sector, NGOs, universities and research institutions.

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