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Tlou Masehela

Committee Coordinator

I am Tlou Masehela, a PhD researcher at the Department of Conservation Ecology & Entomology, Stellenbosch University. My research project aims to create a platform for long term data collection and assessment of Forage resources that support managed honeybees in the South African beekeeping industry. The possibility of enhancing, managing and protecting such forage is also be explored. I also look into the supply and demand of managed honeybees for commercial pollination, while assessing the threats of hive theft and vandalism in various areas/regions were beekeeping activities take place. Since honeybees are important in the pollination processes that sustain numerous native plants and as managed pollinators of pollinator-dependent agricultural crops, it is critical that South Africa maintains a healthy and vibrant bee population. My research interests extend to conservation biology, biodiversity management and agricultural research projects that involve educational activities, community development and the sustainable use of natural resources. Self-belief, hard work, and willingness to learn and teach others, are some of the principles that keep me motivated and focused in pursing my career in research.

Tlou Masehela
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