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A key collaboration

A key collaboration associated with the streamflow and weather observation is a joint UKZN-EKZNW-SAEON-WRC funded projected entitled “Establishment of a more robust observation network to improve understanding of global change in the sensitive and critical water supply area of the Drakensberg (K5: 2236). This project is being led by Dr Michele Warburton of the Centre for Water Resources Research at the University of KwaZulu-Natal. The aims of this project are: 1) Compile a database of relevant historic data collected over the past 50 years from the Cathedral Peak research catchments. 2) Infill and extend the historical rainfall and streamflow record of the Cathedral Peak research catchments to the present. 3) Develop a hydrological monitoring plan which is compatible with the historic Cathedral Peak research catchments network and relevant for future climate change monitoring and transferable to other catchments. 4) Determine whether any changes in hydrological response are already evident, and to understand the underlying causes. 5) Improve our understanding of rainfall distribution across the escarpment. 6) Develop the Cathedral Peak research catchments into a living laboratory for undergraduate and postgraduate student training as well as for technical skills transfer and knowledge building.

A key collaboration
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