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Algoa Bay Sentinel Site

Algoa Bay Sentinel Site Continuous Monitoring Platform (CMP)
Network of more than 40 permanently moored in situ observatories measuring a series of physical properties of the coastal ocean between Port Alfred and Oyster Bay on the south-east coast of South Africa. Read more..
Algoa Bay Pelagic Ecosystem Long-term Ecological Research Programme (PELTER)
Long-term Ecological Research of Tufa Stromatolite Ecosystems
Some 540 colonies of living marine stromatolites have recently been mapped in the Algoa Bay Sentinel Site between Cape Recife and Oyster Bay. Not only are these stromatolites the largest and most numerous ever found in South Africa, but they are also rather unique in the international context given their location at the interface between freshwater seepage points and the marine environment. A comprehensive investigation by NMMU, RU and SAEON Elwandle Node into the functioning of these unique and vulnerable ecosystems is currently underway. Read more..
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