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Dr Albrecht Götz

Scientist, MPA Research Unit Dr Albrecht Götz started his scientific career as a biology student in Erlangen, Germany, where he majored in Zoology, Biochemistry, Microbiology and Organic Chemistry. He graduated with a PhD degree in 2006 from Rhodes University. Albrecht is also an Honorary Research Associate at the Nelson Mandela Metropolitan University and Rhodes University where he is lecturing and supervising several Honours, MSc, PhD and PostDoc students.

Dr Albrecht Götz started his scientific career as a biology student in Erlangen, Germany, where he majored in Zoology, Biochemistry, Microbiology and Organic Chemistry. For his german diploma thesis (field research on reproduction, growth and age of the four-eyed fish in Trinidad) he began to conduct ecological research in the marine environment. After completion of the german university degree with distinction he continued his scientific career in South Africa at Rhodes University, from where he graduated with a PhD degree in 2006. The emphasis of his PhD research was on the effect of marine conservation and fisheries management efforts on the density, size structure and community composition of reef fish. In particular, he investigated effects of spatial protection of exploited marine resources within Marine Protected Areas (MPAs) and tried to discern anthropogenic effects from natural variation. Albrecht is currently employed as a researcher at SAEON’s Elwandle Node focusing on long-term ecological monitoring and research of marine resources. Here, he established the MPA Unit which examines larger scale spatial and temporal trends in marine resources in relation to protection and exploitation through extensive national and international collaborations and joint research programs. His research revolves in particular around the development of a standardized monitoring protocol for near-shore marine ecosystems through comparative testing and optimization of established and innovative monitoring methods. For his continued efforts he received the 2013 South African National Parks’ Kudu Award in the category research, initiatives and innovation. Albrecht is also an Honorary Research Associate at the Nelson Mandela Metropolitan University and Rhodes University where he is lecturing and supervising several Honors, MSc, PhD and PostDoc students.

Dr Albrecht Götz
Current image JPEG image — 49 KB

CV A GOTZ.doc — Microsoft Word Document, 239Kb